
My research interests cover the broad areas of Development, Macro and International Economics. 

I have in the past worked on issues relating to balance of payments, economic integration, remittances, capital flows, labour market segmentation, financial sector development and firm-level innovation in developing countries. The latter theme focused on two sub-themes, namely, (a) the role of innovative practices at the firm level including the adoption of new management practices and how these relate to firm productivity, resilience and growth, and (b) big data analytics and the role of technology such as cloud-based systems. 

Currently, my research focus is more policy-oriented and my interests cover:

Journal Publications

[1] Ali, S. I., Ali, A., Muhammed, M., & Christie, M. (2021). Optimal supply chain design with product family: A cloud-based framework with real-time data consideration, Computers & Operations Research, .



[2] Ali, A., & Ali, S.I. (2020). Antecedents of the propensity to learn management practices and their impacts on firm outcomes in emerging markets: a Bayesian model averaging approach, International Business Review, 29 (4), 101706.



[3] Alpaslan, B., & Ali, A. (2018). The spillover effects of innovative ideas on human capital, Review of Development Economics, 22 (1), 333 – 360.



[4] Ali, A., & Alpaslan, B. (2017). Is there an investment motive behind remittances? Evidence from panel cointegration, Journal of Developing Areas, 51 (1), 63-82.



[5] Ali, A., & Imai, K. S. (2015). Crisis, economic integration and growth collapses in African countries. Journal of African Economies, 24(4), 471-501. [Editor’s Choice]



[6] Imai, K. S., Gaiha, R., Ali, A., & Kaicker, N. (2014). Remittances, growth and poverty: New evidence from Asian countries. Journal of Policy Modeling, 36(3), 524-538. [Also published as an IFAD/UN policy report/occasional paper Nr. 15, 2012].



[7] Ali, A. (2013). Are property rights institutions and financial development complements or substitutes? The case of private investment. Economics Bulletin, 33(2), 1126-1131.


Book Chapters

[8] Ali, S. I., Habib, F., Ali, A., Ali, A., Khan, M. F., & Jamal, A. (2020). Integrating social media and warranty data for fault identification in the cyber ecosystem: A cloud-based collaborative framework. In H. Jahankhani, G. Bowen, L. O'Dell, D. Hagan, & A. Jamal (Eds.), Strategy, Leadership and Artificial Intelligence in the Cyber Ecosystem (1 ed.). Elsevier.



[9] Ali, A., & Alpaslan, B. (2018). Pro-industry policies, sustainability and industrial growth, in M. Yulet (eds.) Industrial policy and sustainable growth, Springer Academic Publishers.



[10] Imai, K. S., Gaiha, R., Thapa, G., & Ali, A. (2012). Supply response to food price changes in Asian countries, in M. Aoki, T. Kuran and G. Roland (eds.) Institutions and Comparative Economic Development, Palgrave, Macmillan, New York.


Journal Papers in Review

[11] Ali, A., Ali, S, & Choudhury, H. (2020). New evidence on the determinants of actual and potential innovation in developing countries.

[12] Nimoh, N. C., Ali, A., & Syme, T. (2020). Earnings gaps, Segmentation and Competitiveness in the Ghanaian Labour Market.

Conference Papers

[13] Ali, SI., & Ali, A. (2019). Integrating Social media and warranty data for fault identification in automobile sector. Production and Operations Management Society International Conference: Connecting the Operations Management & Supply Chain Management World in Divided Times, Brighton, UK. 2 - 4 September 2019.

[14] Ali, SI., Christie, M., & Ali, A. (2016). Cloud-based product life cycle management framework for fault identification in distributed manufacturing. In: International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing (ICBEMM) 2016, Oxford University, 15-17 Aug 2016.

[15] Ali, A., & Walters, B. (2011). On the causes of capital flight from Sub-Saharan Africa. CSAE Oxford University Conference Paper No. 679 [voted as one of the top contributions]

[16] Ali, A. (2011). Institutional quality, financial development and capital flight. The Sixteenth World Congress of International Economic Association, Beijing, China.